
Tuition rates at Jordan Christian School are reviewed annually by the School Board and approved by the corporation members at the annual winter meeting. Our tuition is a family rate, which means you pay one tuition fee regardless of the number of children you have enrolled. Since JCS is a non-profit organization, parents are able to claim a portion of their tuition fee as a charitable donation on their tax return. Tuition may be paid annually, bi-annually, or monthly, depending on your preference. The rates below include bus transportation to and from Jordan Christian School for full day students.

Tuition Rates for 2024/2025 School Year

General Tuition Rate (for families with children enrolled in Grades 1 through 12 at JCS)

$1,365/month for 12 months

= $16,380/year

Our general tuition rate is adjusted for families with children enrolled only in Junior-Kindergarten and in Senior-Kindergarten, as well as for families with children enrolled only in secondary provided that they have other children enrolled in a Christian elementary school elsewhere. Currently, these adjusted rates are as follows:

Junior Kindergarten Rate (for families with children only enrolled in JK at JCS)

$370/month for 10 months

= $3,700/year

*If there are other children in older grades, Junior Kindergarten tuition is covered by the regular family tuition amount.

Jolly Kinders Rate (for families with a JK child enrolled in Jolly Kinders - additional to tuition)

$340/month for the months of attendance (or $3,400/year)

Senior Kindergarten Rate (for families with children only enrolled in SK and lower at JCS)

$790/month for 12 months

= $9,480/year

*If there are other children in older grades, Senior Kindergarten tuition is covered by the regular family tuition amount.

Dual Tuition Rate (for families with children only enrolled in Grades 1 through 12 at JCS with additional children enrolled in a Christian school elsewhere)

$1,092/month for 12 months

= $13,104/year

Tuition Rates for 2025/2026 School Year

General Tuition Rate (for families with children enrolled in Grades 1 through 12 at JCS)

$1,440/month for 12 months

= $17,280/year

Our general tuition rate is adjusted for families with children enrolled only in Junior-Kindergarten and in Senior-Kindergarten, as well as for families with children enrolled only in secondary provided that they have other children enrolled in a Christian elementary school elsewhere. Currently, these adjusted rates are as follows:

Junior Kindergarten Rate (for families with children only enrolled in JK at JCS)

$390/month for 10 months

= $3,900/year

*If there are other children in older grades, Junior Kindergarten tuition is covered by the regular family tuition amount.

Jolly Kinders Rate (for families with a JK child enrolled in Jolly Kinders - additional to tuition)

$360/month for the months of attendance (or $3,600/year)

Senior Kindergarten Rate (for families with children only enrolled in SK and lower at JCS)

$830/month for 12 months

= $9,960/year

*If there are other children in older grades, Senior Kindergarten tuition is covered by the regular family tuition amount.

Dual Tuition Rate (for families with children only enrolled in Grades 1 through 12 at JCS with additional children enrolled in a Christian school elsewhere)

$1,152/month for 12 months

= $13,824/year